
new Cesium.PolygonGraphics(options)

Describes a polygon defined by an hierarchy of linear rings which make up the outer shape and any nested holes. The polygon conforms to the curvature of the globe and can be placed on the surface or at altitude and can optionally be extruded into a volume.
Name Type Description
options PolygonGraphics.ConstructorOptions optional Object describing initialization options


Gets or sets the ArcType Property specifying the type of lines the polygon edges use.
Default Value: ArcType.GEODESIC

classificationType : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the ClassificationType Property specifying whether this polygon will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both when on the ground.
Default Value: ClassificationType.BOTH
Gets or sets a boolean specifying whether or not the bottom of an extruded polygon is included.
Gets or sets a boolean specifying whether or not the top of an extruded polygon is included.

readonly definitionChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised whenever a property or sub-property is changed or modified.

distanceDisplayCondition : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the DistanceDisplayCondition Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this polygon will be displayed.

extrudedHeight : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the altitude of the polygon extrusion. If PolygonGraphics#perPositionHeight is false, the volume starts at PolygonGraphics#height and ends at this altitude. If PolygonGraphics#perPositionHeight is true, the volume starts at the height of each PolygonGraphics#hierarchy position and ends at this altitude.

extrudedHeightReference : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Property specifying the extruded HeightReference.
Default Value: HeightReference.NONE
Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying whether the polygon is filled with the provided material.
Default Value: true
Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the angular distance between points on the polygon.
Default Value: {CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE}
Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the constant altitude of the polygon.
Default Value: 0.0

heightReference : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Property specifying the HeightReference.
Default Value: HeightReference.NONE
Gets or sets the Property specifying the PolygonHierarchy.
Gets or sets the Property specifying the material used to fill the polygon.
Default Value: Color.WHITE
Gets or sets the Property specifying whether the polygon is outlined.
Default Value: false

outlineColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Property specifying the Color of the outline.
Default Value: Color.BLACK

outlineWidth : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the width of the outline.

Note: This property will be ignored on all major browsers on Windows platforms. For details, see (@link https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/40}.

Default Value: 1.0

perPositionHeight : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean specifying whether or not the the height of each position is used. If true, the shape will have non-uniform altitude defined by the height of each PolygonGraphics#hierarchy position. If false, the shape will have a constant altitude as specified by PolygonGraphics#height.
Get or sets the enum Property specifying whether the polygon casts or receives shadows from light sources.
Default Value: ShadowMode.DISABLED
Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the polygon.
Default Value: true
Gets or sets the numeric property specifying the rotation of the polygon texture counter-clockwise from north.
Default Value: 0
Gets or sets the zIndex Prperty specifying the ordering of ground geometry. Only has an effect if the polygon is constant and neither height or extrudedHeight are specified.
Default Value: 0


Duplicates this instance.
Name Type Description
result PolygonGraphics optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if one was not provided.
Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.
Name Type Description
source PolygonGraphics The object to be merged into this object.

Type Definitions


Initialization options for the PolygonGraphics constructor
Name Type Attributes Default Description
show Property | boolean <optional>
true A boolean Property specifying the visibility of the polygon.
hierarchy Property | PolygonHierarchy <optional>
A Property specifying the PolygonHierarchy.
height Property | number <optional>
0 A numeric Property specifying the altitude of the polygon relative to the ellipsoid surface.
heightReference Property | HeightReference <optional>
HeightReference.NONE A Property specifying what the height is relative to.
extrudedHeight Property | number <optional>
A numeric Property specifying the altitude of the polygon's extruded face relative to the ellipsoid surface.
extrudedHeightReference Property | HeightReference <optional>
HeightReference.NONE A Property specifying what the extrudedHeight is relative to.
stRotation Property | number <optional>
0.0 A numeric property specifying the rotation of the polygon texture counter-clockwise from north.
granularity Property | number <optional>
Cesium.Math.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE A numeric Property specifying the angular distance between each latitude and longitude point.
fill Property | boolean <optional>
true A boolean Property specifying whether the polygon is filled with the provided material.
material MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE A Property specifying the material used to fill the polygon.
outline Property | boolean <optional>
false A boolean Property specifying whether the polygon is outlined.
outlineColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.BLACK A Property specifying the Color of the outline.
outlineWidth Property | number <optional>
1.0 A numeric Property specifying the width of the outline.
perPositionHeight Property | boolean <optional>
false A boolean specifying whether or not the height of each position is used.
closeTop Boolean | boolean <optional>
true When false, leaves off the top of an extruded polygon open.
closeBottom Boolean | boolean <optional>
true When false, leaves off the bottom of an extruded polygon open.
arcType Property | ArcType <optional>
ArcType.GEODESIC The type of line the polygon edges must follow.
shadows Property | ShadowMode <optional>
ShadowMode.DISABLED An enum Property specifying whether the polygon casts or receives shadows from light sources.
distanceDisplayCondition Property | DistanceDisplayCondition <optional>
A Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this polygon will be displayed.
classificationType Property | ClassificationType <optional>
ClassificationType.BOTH An enum Property specifying whether this polygon will classify terrain, 3D Tiles, or both when on the ground.
zIndex ConstantProperty | number <optional>
0 A property specifying the zIndex used for ordering ground geometry. Only has an effect if the polygon is constant and neither height or extrudedHeight are specified.
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